Smile Through It II: The Next Chapter

Chasing dreams, because I can

  • August 2009
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Posted by Oli on Saturday 29th August, 2009

I really should learn to keep my mouth shut. Less than 24 hours after confidently blogging that I was on the mend I find myself on the ward at Harefield stuck in my own private episode of House.

I woke on Friday with a much chestier cough and weakness in my legs and – after chatting to my GP and after he chatted to the registrar at Harefield they decided that the best bet was for me to go to Harefield and get properly examined and worked up by the pros.

The biggest down point appeared to be that it was looking less and less like something that is fixable by the time we’re due to leave for Hawaii. We’re fully insured for it, but to be honest the money was the last of our worries.

Arriving at Harefield I was popped in a room and prodded and poked about a bit before sitting down with AP the reg to go over the options.

K and I, being big fans of Hugh Laurie in House, almost burst put laughing when AP actually said, “differential diagnosis”.

There seem to be 3 viable options did everything this week and the condition I’m in now: 1) Swine ‘flu, plain and simple, for which they can send me home with Tamiflu and let us go to Hawaii. 2) A recurrance of the CMV I was admitted with last year, for which they can send me home with a course of Valganciclovir and let us go to Hawaii. 3) A chest infection, either as a result of, independent of or additional too some kind of ‘flu or virus, which would be game over for Hawaii

So I’ve now been bled dry and X-rayed, but the blood results won’t be back until later this morning/afternoon and I’m down for a CT scan at some point today after the X-ray was inconclusive.

It’s a pretty horrible feeling sitting around waiting for test results that will dictate whether I can go on my guest holiday in 6 years or if, like May 2008, my body has conspired to stop me having ant foreign fun at all.

Keep your fingers crossed – I’ll update the blog & Twitter once I know the score. Suddenly “Smile Through It” seems ever so appropriate again.

8 Responses to “House”

  1. Pauline said

    Hi Oli sorry to hear you are back in the land of House.Do hope it is something simple that will allow you to get away on holiday.Sending you all our love Pauline & Malcolm xx

  2. Dawn Bostock said

    Hi Oli
    Sorry to hear your not going to Hawaii 😦 I realise it is really frustrating and if you were anything like me, torn between sheer disappointment and frustration and guilty for feeling that way. I’ve had 4 bouts of pneumonia this last year yo-yoing in and out of Harefield. Everytime scuppering something. HOpefully you can dust yourself down, pick yourself up and have a fantastic time at Uni :)xx Take Care
    P.S I found having mobile broadband invaluable during my incarcerations!! Mind you your iphone may let you access the internet and everything. I do not have one of those, so do not really know their capabilities.

  3. viks said

    Hi Oli, I used to read your blog quite a while back, just re-found it and thought I would leave a message to say “Hi”, I hope your feeling better soon and get to go away asap x

  4. Alice said

    Oh Oli, I’m so so sorry you don’t get to go away but it will happen, not now but soon. Keep me posted as to how you are and there’s still LIPA xxx

  5. Sue said

    Oh no! darn it. Sorry to hear you’re not well and have had to cancel your holiday. Hope you’re back up and running very soon. x

  6. jen said

    This is a major bummer! I’m glad you have some time to rest and recover before uni though- and loads and loads of fun to still look forward too!

  7. Hayley said

    Keep positive Oli, Hawaii will be there another day but LIPA! well what can I say. Look on the bright side now you get to do your packing for Uni Hee Hee. I am sorry that you have had a rotten time of it just when all was coming round, but you are now living the life that we have all wanted for you for so long and it does tend to have its little bugs shall I say to put it politely. You will get stronger and better very soon I am sure of it and LIPA are going to count their blessings that they are so blessed to have you there.
    Love to you both, keep strong
    All our love
    David, Hayley and Robert xxxxxxx

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